Do you take atleast minimum of 10 glasses of drinking water daily? That will be a great remedy of cleansing the inside of you for a healthier body and longer life plus a bonus of healthy looking skin. It's great to be here. Hope to meet you all guys!
I haven't been drinking as much water lately. I've been drinking more tea, including green tea which I hear has antioxidants. I've also had white tea in the past and I like it too.
While fluid intake influences whether or not you develop things like kidney stones, I am not sure there is truly a one to one ration between fluids/water and toxins being removed from the body. Has anyone seen any studies addressing how water affects the concentrations of normal waste/toxins that are generated by normal body functions?
I have yet to see any study drawing a direct correlation between water consumption and lifespan, outside of the fact that you die when you haven't had any fluids for about 3 days.
I'm not sure I could handle ten glasses... I have enough trouble getting the recommended eight glasses down. Plus you have to remember that those 10 glasses in a 6 ounce glass is very different than if you're using a 12 oz. glass. I try to do 8 eight-oz. glasses.
A while back, I heard that the guidelines might actually address fluids and not mean pure, plain water. I can't remember where I heard this but I think it was on one of those CNN health or wellness programs. Sometimes, people get a little carried away with these suggestions. I don't see a need to drink more than about 7 8 oz glasses of plain water in any 24 hour period, and I am pretty sure it doesn't extend your lifespan.
It's good to remember that caffeinated beverages actually dehydrate our bodies to some extent. Coffee, Tea (herbal is OK), and sodas can dry you out if drunk in excess.
Pure water 'is' important to have and although the intake of other fluids (like the liquid in fruits, for example) is counted toward that daily intake recommendation, you still should have a good portion of actual water every day.
I know that 8 glasses of water is enough for me. I don’t know if I could handle 10 glasses. Maybe I could if the weather is really hot.
I think that I'm less likely to have sore feet while standing a long time if I remain hydrated. It's hard to say for sure, but there have been days at work when I've avoided drinking water to reduce the need to relieve my kidneys when there wasn't a washroom on site. And there are other days when that's not a concern and I drink plenty of water. I seem to have less feet problems when I'm drinking more water. Has anyone else found that?
If I'm not mistaken, things like leg cramps can be a problem with dehydration (especially during the night)... so they seem to be connected, yes indeed.
In the modern world people seem unaware that when we are thirsty the only thing our bodies are asking for is water. Often if we are hungry and shouldn't be, it's thirst. So if you are suddenly hungry, drink some water to see if that helps.
I've heard this, too, and it seems to be true for a lot of people. I usually have a bottle of water right beside me so I don't give myself enough time to be thirsty.
I believe that it differs on our size. If you are big then you need to take 10 or more glasses. If you’re small then you might want to take fewer glasses.
That's interesting... I don't think I've ever heard of this recommendation changing because of someone's size. I think we just need to remember to drink plenty of water and not worry so much about counting the number of glasses we drink in a day.