Flu... RUN!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by katharina, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Alright you guys... run away fast. I have the flu (thanks to my sweet daughter) :) and I am sooooooooooooo sick. Don't let me breathe in your air space. I had a head cold in January and now this.... so very unusual for me... it's usually a few years between simple little colds even! :(

    Anyhow, besides the customary chicken soup and zinc, what do you all do to help the symptoms? It's fever, aches, fatigue, stuffiness, and dizziness so far and I'm even forcing myself to sit at the computer for a few minutes. Help?
  2. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    There is also a horrible stomach flu going round...run silent, run deep away from anyone who is looking green around the gills, they've probably got it.
    My husband and I spent the last five days or so giving it to each other. This is the first day we feel remotely human. Keeping our fingers crossed.:eek:
  3. Kitten

    Kitten New Member

    Ugh, that really sucks. Be sure to get plenty of fluids (preferably water) and as much sleep as you can....it does the body good. I generally try to take vitamin C as soon as I start feeling the symptoms, but if you're sick to the stomach, wait on that until the nausea is gone.
  4. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Thanks, Kitten... yes, I'm trying to keep up with the fluids. As far as VitC
    goes, I have pink lemonade flavored EmergenC and that's a huge shot of C
    but it *does* tend to upset the tummy.
  5. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, heretoday. I hope it continues to improve for you. My worse problem this morning seems to be sneezes... it simply won't stop and it's more than a little annoying! :eek:
  6. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    The last really good dose of flu I had almost killed me. I get a shot every year, but have heard a more effective vaccine might be in the works.

    It targets a different spot on the viruses genome that doesn't change when the virus mutates.
  7. Taggart

    Taggart New Member

    I think you probably have the basics covered SageMother. Hopefully you'll be able to find the opportunity to get the rest that you'll need as you recover.

    Hope you're feeling better soon.
  8. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Somehow we managed to miss getting our flu shots this year, but we're OK so far on the respiratory front, fingers crossed.
    Anyone who hasn't tried Emergen-C, you really should. It's great to take whether you're sick or well. You can use it for a bit of an energy burst as well. But it can be a bit rough on the tum at times, that's about the only downside I've noticed.
  9. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I absolutely agree. I have the pink lemonade flavor now. Actually I should take some today. I was OVER that darned flu but during the night I started stuffing up again. It's surreal! :confused:
  10. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    I think that I would eat something that has lots of vitamin c like citrus fruits, orange and the likes. I would also sleep all day.
  11. katharina

    katharina New Member

    That's a good idea, but I can only handle so much fruit... I'd prefer that 4 ounces of water with the Emergen-C dissolved in it to having to eat enough fruit to get the same amount of C. :)
  12. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    Are you in the process of a diet plan?

    From what I know, fruits can help you slim down so there is no effect if you are going to take a lot of it.
  13. Frankie

    Frankie New Member

    Anyone who thinks they may have the flu, PLEASE see a doctor. There is an outbreak of the swine flu hitting several states right now. No one in the US has died yet, thankfully. If you develop flu symptoms go get treatment. PLEASE!
  14. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I've been hearing about this pretty much yesterday and today, yes. I wonder if it will turn out to be like Bird Flu... which was basically overblown nothing? I hope so... I should read up on it.

    That said, I know this is good advice, but I really can't see myself going to the doctor for a cold or flu. Isn't there *something* about it that defines it differently from a "regular" flu?
  15. Frankie

    Frankie New Member

    You mean other than killing you? Nope. The catch is that if you start having trouble breathing, go to the hospital immediately.

    81 people are already dead.
  16. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    This isn't a regular flu. It carries some of the aspects found in bird flu, as well. Swine flu is a cross species virus that is now being passed from person to person.

    It's not the first time a Swine Flu has been seen in the U.S.A., but the bird flu aspect is new.
  17. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Yes, I've not been liking what I've been seeing... but the local paper says that the hospitals are gearing up for it. I hope that means there's a way to treat it.

    I also hope it just passes like the bird thing did without much more of a problem. :(
  18. Frankie

    Frankie New Member

    Well the body count rises and the cases are growing. Thankfully, most of those infected seem to be recovering. Thus far all deaths are confined to Hispanics....which makes me wonder.
  19. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    The real trouble to watch for is when its "B strain" takes flight.

    It is usually the "B strain" of any influenza that kills the most people. The B strain of this would hit sometime during the summer months, when a lot of people are traveling. Add to that the distinct possibility that H1N1-A....which is what the CDC is calling this influenza....could pick up other genetic material and become a super virus and the fear about his new bug might not be hysteria at all, but well founded concern.
  20. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Ah, I wondered about the timing on that. Thanks for answering it before I got around to asking. :)