
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daydreamer, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. Daydreamer

    Daydreamer New Member

    I bet everyone in the world has heard of the lady who just gave birth to octuplets when she already had 6 kids.

    I heard the doctor is being investigated by the Medical Ethics Board, or something similar, in his state.

    What do you think should happen tot he doctor who implanted all of those embryos?
  2. WoodChuck

    WoodChuck New Member

    The way I heard it she went in for fertility treatments and the standard process is to inject several eggs. If that is the case its kind of hard to blame a man for how many of those end up taking. -- I could be wrong on the story though just happened to catch this on the news.
  3. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Chelsea Handler

    I don't know if you guys ever watch the tv show Chelsea Lately, starring the stand up comic and author Chelsea Handler, but the other night she asked why are there laws that say you can't have more than a certain number of dogs or cats but this woman can have all the kids she wants:eek:.
  4. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I think the ethics issue is more about why the doctor would agree to any of it in the first place since she is jobless and lives with her parents... oh yeah, and already HAD 6 kids without any visible means of support. So the "blame" wouldn't be about how many eggs he used, but why he agreed to implant any at all considering her circumstances.
  5. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    There are guidelines based on the woman's age, governing the number of embryos implanted. Apparently, there are none that advocate implanting 8 embryos.

    The doctor is under investigation for ignoring those guidelines!
  6. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    It's a real tricky area when we begin trying to sort this kind of stuff out. I mean, I think the octo-mom is pretty loopy, but I don't know if my thinking she's loopy means she can't have as many kids as my hubby has baseball cards. I know the ramifications are different, and if the kids are neglected or iltreated then that becomes another matter, but I'm not sure that I'm the one to say she can't give it a try. Does look pretty bizarro, though:eek:
  7. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    Might the state go after the sperm donor for child support?

    In most cases, the donor is anonymous, so he's never pursued. In this case, the octo-mom, I love that name, has had contact with the donor, meaning he's not anonymous.

    I have a feeling the donor might be in for some hard times!
  8. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    The question of support, though; how did she get the money for fertility treatments and/or in vitro fertilization? I'm pretty certain Medi-Cal doesn't cover such things. Same for her lip enhancement...:p
  9. Taggart

    Taggart New Member

    I saw her on the cover of a magazine the other day. I think she's going to grab as much publicity as she can, and I'm afraid that won't be a very good thing for her children.
  10. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    I'm worried about those poor babies, the more I hear about this lady and her life. I heard that at least two of her six are autistic. It was also said that babies born at such a small size are likely to develop cerebral palsy. All those poor wee babes look so small and emaciated, I hope they pull through...but it seems their mom never gave a thought to the possible ramifications.
  11. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Unless it changed since I first heard the story, the donor is actually her boyfriend who *wanted* to marry her but she refuses. I haven't heard for a while and that may have just been her first story.

    Whether or not that's who it was, I don't think the state OR this mother of the babies has any legal basis to go after a donor.
  12. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Unfortunately I have to agree. I don't know if it's still there or not, but there was also a website I saw where she was "introducing" the babies and asking for donations. :( Those poor little babies!
  13. Twiceshy

    Twiceshy New Member

    If the people with 18 children can have a show on TLC and it hasn't done any harm, it's possible that these children would experience no harm. The issue is whether or not she should be allowed to benefit from her actions.

    The "18 and Counting" family has managed to have all of their children without invitro fertilization, from what I can see. Even though I feel their actions are irresponsible, they haven't created their situation through extraordinary means.
  14. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Twiceshy, the main difference I see in the equation is that the television family is a unit, a working and functional arrangement with two parents sharing the emotional and physical duties inherent in parenting. I rather doubt that octo-mom has the mojo that is required to ride herd on such a brood on a day-to-day basis.
  15. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I wonder whey she wouldn't marry him but is wiling to maintain ties through children?

    I wonder if she always intended to live with her parents, and if having all these kids was a way to always get aid?

    I am probably way out in left field on that.
  16. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    She lives in California, and unless things have changed radically with the economy, she can get AFDC (aid for families with dependent children) and Medi-Cal (free or almost free medical insurance). There is also Section 8 housing, which I'm sure she more than qualifies for, so the babies aren't going to be destitute.
    A friend was telling me that right after the babies were born, Octo-Mom was saying she was amazed that all the free stuff from businesses weren't coming through as she'd thought they would. (You know, diapers and car seats, etc)
  17. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    I don’t know if she is the same mother who gave birth to octuplets that I know. Reports are saying that some porn industries are inviting here to do a porn movie.
  18. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I thought getting social services in the form of housing, food, and clothing meant you were destitute!

    Does med-cal consider her financial aid for college in her income? If so, how much will it count towards her ability to support her household?

    IF she's looking at welfare for support, wouldn't be easier social services still go in and remove the children?
  19. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    She apparently turned down those offers. I can't imagine that she would jeopardize any public opinion shifts by doing a porn movie, even though doing so is no reflection on her parenting abilities.

    The USA is still a little too petty for her to take the risk.
  20. katharina

    katharina New Member

    They are living debt free and can actually afford their children and give them a decent lifestyle. Big difference in my eyes.