Keeping the Swine at Bay

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by katharina, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Are you doing anything special to keep the swine flu... or at least spring colds, away from your family?
  2. Twiceshy

    Twiceshy New Member

    Our first line of defense is not having young children int he home!

    Our kids are all grown, so THEIR kids bring home lovely viruses to them!

  3. katharina

    katharina New Member

    :D Well now that *does* seem like a good way to keep those nasty germs away!! I found out a few days ago that the first local case showed up now... hopefully they have it contained/quarantined.
  4. preparednesspro

    preparednesspro New Member

    I've been limiting the time I spent in public places and have limited going to the movies and eating out at restaurants. I also prefer doing my grocery shopping late at night. Call me crazy, but it's great to avoid the lines! :)

    That and keeping my immune system up through suppliments and eating well. What are you doing to combat the swine flu?