Memorial Day Plans?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by heretoday, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    The end of next month will be the three-day Memorial Day Weekend. Are you planning (warm weather please) picnics, a road trip, or something else?
  2. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    WE will probaly do some yard work, then burn a few Boca Burgers and turkey dogs on the grill.

    If we feel really energetic, we'll walk downtown to the festival the city throws each year!
  3. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I hadn't really thought of this yet... I suppose it will be spent working around the house but we may take time out for a picnic at a lake or the marina.

    Problem with that is that everyone else in the area has the same idea and the tables have to be chosen and "reserved" (meaning someone has to literally be posted there) long before anyone can actually chow down.