My stress management resolution..

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Laughingmouse, May 12, 2009.

  1. Laughingmouse

    Laughingmouse New Member

    I figured that I would make a New Years resolution now to avoid the crunch later this year.

    I am going to stock up on Nerf balls. This way, I have something to throw at a television when it gets on my nerves.

    Why hasn't anyone come out with Nerf shoes to throw at the tv when politicians are on?
  2. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Hehe Good thought. I suppose there are always bricks for those who don't
    want to bother with buying nerf. :)
  3. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    Throwing a brick would take all the fun out of the exercise. You'd have to keep money on hand for a new televisions, assuming you liked watching it in the first place.
  4. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Good point, Sage.
    I avoid shows and channels that I know are going to annoy me in the first place.
    I'd like them to develop a nerf gun so the balls/shoes bounce even more beautifully off the TV screen. A nerf slingshot would be nice as well.
  5. katharina

    katharina New Member

    hehe Okay, you got me... it was supposed to be a joke. :) I can't replace the television every time I feel like throwing a brick either. Which is why I rarely watch it at all anymore. I find that I don't even miss the news... I catch up with it on the 'Net if there's something I want to keep up with.
  6. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I used to avoid irritating news programs but it's actually more important for me to be well informed than pleased.

    Since I don't watch non-cable T.V. stations, I don't have to deal with the shows that are meant to distract us from quality of life issues.
  7. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I used to think that, too, but I got so nauseatingly sick with all the spin on EVERY news show depending on who owns them, that I just turned them all off for the most part.

    "Well informed" only works if there's no spin. And there ARE no news programs without it.
  8. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Everyone has a different opinion about everything. Spin has always been with us, you can't avoid it.
    The point is to know which side is spin, and which is not.
  9. katharina

    katharina New Member

    It's always been with us, yes. I've come to the conclusion, though, that both
    sides are generally spinning their wheels into the muck and mire and that I
    need to come up with my own "truth" somewhere in the middle.
  10. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    Or to know what your own position is and how it might be affected, regardless of which way the spin goes!

    I'm always on my side, first!
  11. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Very wise indeed. Political affiliation doesn't really matter. If one looks at it truly objectively, it's clear the the left spins as much as the right and vice versa. If I'd just adopt the views of either side without using my own brain power, I'd feel like a zombie. :eek:
  12. Laughingmouse

    Laughingmouse New Member

    I imagine that most people who identify themselves as independents also shun political affiliation in favor of seeing the world through their own eyes while focusing on their own quality issues.

    I have a feeling that the herd of zombies is growing smaller every day!
  13. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Well now wouldn't that be a totally great thing to happen?! Yes, it would be
    wonderful if people make a point out of thinking for themselves and not just following whichever pack they're affiliated with.