New Stimulus Package

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by katharina, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. katharina

    katharina New Member

    What do you think of the newest stimulus package (US)? Will it work or will it tend to jumpstart a depression much faster?
  2. alaine

    alaine New Member

    Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to bail out big companies. However, if they invest money by giving a $15,000 break to families that buy a home or send a sweeter income tax return -- that's awesome.

    A lot of these companies have been managing their companies recklessly. They really don't deserve to have as much control over our economy as they do. Maybe we should invest in small business owners, and spread it out a little more.
  3. Kitten

    Kitten New Member

    I really don't know what it's going to do. I mean, I *hope* it does something good, but how will we really know?
  4. Daydreamer

    Daydreamer New Member

    Since we are already in a depression, using the same methods that brought us out of the last Great Depression should be high priority.
  5. toolman

    toolman New Member


    Depression? We are not in one yet! But if they do not do the 2nd stimulus package right, we will head deeper down the road we are going. :eek: If they would clamp down on the Banks that got the 1st stimulus package I believe the economy would turn or stop sliding.:cool:
  6. katharina

    katharina New Member

    That does seem to be a major part of the problem, doesn't it? And they got all that money and didn't have to account for where they spent it? Well now that's just not right! :mad:
  7. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Regular folks gettin' riled up

    I don't know if I recall there ever being a time I recall in the recent past when average folks seemed so riled up. I've read in history books about how in the early 20th century people got cheesed off at the corporations and the bigshots and how the big banks had to behave. I wonder if that will happen again?
  8. woodywoodpecker

    woodywoodpecker New Member

    I haven't heard many details of the latest stimulus package. Does anyone know what the details are to this one? I was wondering about this today and I guess I could do a search but frankly, right now, I'm just too darned lazy. I worked hard today!:p
  9. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    I heard on the news that there was going to be a tax credit, I think four hundred dollars per individual and eight hundred dollars per couple. Also some infrastructure money for the states.
  10. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    The USA doesn't seem to have had its French or Bolshevik revolutions, but this just might spark one.

    If nothing else, Reps and Senators who want to keep their jobs, regardless of party, better step up and get things moving!
  11. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Frankly (and bluntly) :) it seems to be just a lot more big spending that never worked in the past with a lot of pork that we were promised wouldn't be in there. :confused:
  12. katharina

    katharina New Member

    They do seem to be like trapped rats caught in the act of heaven knows what... probably just horrid inactivity for decades.

    That "regardless of the party" is very important... maybe it's FINALLY time to get over the partisan garbage before 1929 happens again.
  13. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    katharina said: Frankly (and bluntly) it seems to be just a lot more big spending that never worked in the past with a lot of pork that we were promised wouldn't be in there.

    True enough, when Haliburton stuck their noses in the trough, or when billions of dollars went missing in Iraq that was a lot of ineffective spending. But spending to rebuild roads and bridges, to extend unemployment insurance payments, to allow school districts to stop laying off teachers and to keep cops, firefighters and EMTs on the job, THAT is spending I can get behind :D
  14. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Hmmm.... Nice plan there, heretoday. There may be some of that buried in the pork somewhere. We can only hope.
  15. Laughingmouse

    Laughingmouse New Member

    If we include people who have run out of unemployment benefits, and those who have had to close businesses because they can't make any money, we are in a depression.

    Government figures are never the whole picture.
  16. Laughingmouse

    Laughingmouse New Member

    These are featured heavily in the new package, so it looks like someone in government agrees with you.

    We desperately need our infrastructure updated, anyway. IF we hadn't had this crises, it may have never been addressed.

    We need to move away from a petroleum based economy and develop alternative energy. This would never be addressed without this crises.

    As hard as it is for some people to understand, the government is the only entity in the USA that can maneuver through all of these necessities, and it's obvious that existing, large corporations don't care one whit about citizens, and we are seeing the results of letting them enjoy free reign over our futures.
  17. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Yes... and if anyone saw it coming down the pike, no one did anything to head it off. Wonder if they truly thought it would just disappear like a bad dream? :(
  18. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I think they were too busy hoarding money to stop and think about the future.

    Hopefully, most of those who were hoarding are going to lose everything. I wil never be convinced that most of these people didn't make their millions without perpetrating some sort of fraud.
  19. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Well, it seems to me as though folks will just have to consider the common good a little bit more deeply than they did. I have no problem with people working hard and benefiting from their hard work financially. I don't think that wealth is necessarily a bad thing. But I believe that with wealth comes responsibility towards one's fellow citizens, and that means paying a higher share of taxes and helping those who cannot help themselves. Just my two cents.
  20. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I'm not sure I would have agreed with this a year or two ago... but my goodness, it sure looks as if it might be true. I don't think hoarders who did it honestly should lose everything... I'm a hoarder by nature, too :D but if something was out of kilter along the way, absolutely.