Newborn baby woodworker

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by creativediva, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. creativediva

    creativediva New Member

    Hello to all! I have absolutely no experience with woodworking, but I love all things creative. My background with wood includes wood burning and painting on wood. I love creating jewelry with wood and I would like to expand into creating other artful pieces. I hope to learn a lot from you guys!
  2. Enrique

    Enrique Administrator

    Welcome to the family, Creativediva. Glad you decided to join us! :)
  3. WingDing

    WingDing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome aboard! I hope there's plenty here to learn from, but I have a feeling we'll be able to learn a good deal from you, as well.

    Enjoy the forum, we're happy to have you!