This "natural" remedy was pulled from the shelves this week because it had a nasty little side effect. A few people lost their ability to smell. I can't count the number of times people said "natural" remedies didn't cause side effects, during the last year. Is it really natural to put zinc in your nose? For that matter, should mega doses of any vitamin or herb be considered "natural" when your dose is higher than the little bit found in nature?.
Good point... and yes, I heard this. More and more medications, whether "natural" or not, have been causing all kinds of horrid problems. Just because something is deemed "safe" doesn't mean that its real effects won't be found ten years from now. Scary stuff.
Rats. I'm sorry that Zicam had that fatal flaw in it. I'd just about had my husband talked into trying it. I'm glad we didn't.
Yeah, it truly stinks. I probably would have eventually tried some for my daughter, too... I'm not even sure I want to keep using the OTC stuff I do already have.
Why would you try to talk your husband into trying it? I always ask this because it seems like wasted energy with most of the men I have known. LOL
I had to laugh. The push toward "natural" remedies has really gotten out of hand, and I bet his won't be the last time we hear about side effects.