Ready for the Cable Company Switches?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by katharina, Feb 14, 2009.

  1. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Are we all ready for "the big switch" coming up? Did you need to buy a conversion box?

    Our main TV is soooo old that I used it as an excuse to buy a new flatscreen that's already compliant and has a great picture. Not sure what we'll do about the others, but one thing at a time.
  2. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Our tv sets themselves are five or six years old, but they're both jacked into digital cable boxes so we don't need to do anything adjust to the digital conversion.
  3. Taggart

    Taggart New Member

    We have two older TVs that are connected to cable boxes, so I guess we're okay.

    They seem to be lasting forever... As the prices of flat screen TVs comes down.

    When we get a new TV, we'll also go for a 5.1 system, I think.
  4. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    As far as I know, we won't need to do anything.

    The cable company will be sending the signal so everything should be fine, without our having to rent a converter.

    If not, then I guess any tv we see will be on our computers.
  5. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I had thought all this time that we wouldn't need to do anything either... but we would have. :( Considering we don't watch TV much and the main set started going bad about 6 years ago, we just went and bought a flat screen yesterday.

    Now I hope everything is in order for the switch. Not sure about my daughter's set, but we'll deal with that later.
  6. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    Hey Katharina, congratulations on adding a new flat screen to the family :D We'll probably follow suit in a couple of years, we'll wait for that attrition moment when one of the sets we have go belly-up.
  7. katharina

    katharina New Member

    :D Thanks heretoday. I remember lines and static like the really old sets our parents used to have going across the screen before we moved to this house already... and we've been here 5 years in June. :eek: So yes, it was definitely time.
  8. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    I hear that the digital conversion thing has been postponed from February to June or July. Anybody know why?
  9. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Not exactly sure, but I've assumed it was because the general public simply wasn't ready for it. I also heard something about getting more of those coupons for the conversion boxes into circulation.
  10. Taggart

    Taggart New Member

    Do you think that it could be directly related to the economy?

    I guess I'm second guessing a lot of things against the financial situation these days.
  11. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I'm not really sure... would Congress really vote to delay something just because it's for the good the people? Ooops, okay, that didn't sound right :) but I think it was probably that the cable companies werent ready or either that the customers were starting to rebel which would have cost the cable companies a lot of money.
  12. Laughingmouse

    Laughingmouse New Member

    I'd love to know the reason they are pushing for everyone to make the switch.

    I am one of those folks who thinks something has to be up with this for the government to help people get converters.

    Am I the only person who finds this really odd?
  13. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I find it odd.

    I guess the powers that be feel that T.V. is pretty important. After all, how can you see all of the messages about not doing drugs, how to raise your kids, and letting your kids join the armed forces if you don't have a T.V.?

  14. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Hmmm.... well I hadn't considered anything weird. Until you just mentioned it. :) Yes, I guess that's odd enough, but maybe enough of their constituents complained that made congress want to jump in?