Saving while looking good...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Twiceshy, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Twiceshy

    Twiceshy New Member

    Our appearance is extremely important, especially if we might be looking for new employment, or we need to stand out to keep our current job. This isn't always the easiest thing to do in a harsh economy.

    What little tricks have you started using to keep your appearance appealing to as many business associates as possible?

    Something that I started doing, a while back, is buying old sweaters from second hand stores.

    I don't buy them to wear, but I buy them for their yarn, which can be reclaimed for crocheted and knitted accessories.

    What innovations have you developed to keep your appearance fresh?
  2. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    My hair is long and thick, and alot of times I wear part of it back or put it up with a claw or banana clip. I have tons of barrettes, clips, etc. I'll have a look through my box and find a clip I haven't used in a long time, so it feels fresh. Or, if I'm feeling a bit off, I'll go out and buy something new for my hair and that's always a picker-upper.
    A new pair of earrings doesn't hurt either.
  3. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I think that if I'd be about to lose my job, or placed somewhere on the proverbial chopping block, I wouldn't be too worried about outward appearance so this would be moot to me.

    With the horrid economy, I don't think what I'm wearing or what perfume I'm using would make a difference with whether or not I keep my job.
  4. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    I am buying my clothes from Ukay Ukay. These stores are always selling products coming from other countries. These products are new and surplus coming from the manufacturers.
  5. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I haven't heard of this place... is it strictly online shopping, or do they have
    brick and mortar stores where you're located?
  6. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    It is a brick and mortar store in my country. Wherever you go in the Philippines you would find a lot of that. Most of the clothes are coming from the USA.
  7. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    I think the "looking good" was meant for that period of time after you have been laid off and are looking for new employment.

    Appearance can make the difference during job searches when you are in direct competition with other job seekers with the same qualifications.

    Even though we don't like to admit it, your appearance can make a huge difference.