This is scary....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Twiceshy, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Twiceshy

    Twiceshy New Member

    Has anyone seen the stories about the tent city in Sacramento?

    I heard that people have been moving into a tent city at a rate much like that of the Great Depression, which seems to fly in the face of the economists and media that hasn't used the word "depression" to describe our economic crises.

    While the state of denial lingers, I think it is time our country stopped trying to paint a rosy picture.

    What do you think our government should be saying to us, instead of trying to describe this as a "deep recession" ?
  2. Taggart

    Taggart New Member

    I think appropriate shelter should be a first concern, followed by food and health care. But I think it's a very complex problem and it will be challenging.

    I hadn't heard of the tent city before.
  3. katharina

    katharina New Member

    I happen to think that as soon as the word "depression" is used, things will get a whole lot worse. People will panic and any chaos we think we have now will pale in comparison. So I don't really blame them for not saying it if it's true.

    And I'm usually the last person to think that way.
  4. Frankie

    Frankie New Member

    I think it would be nice if the president worked on the economy instead of hitting late night tv. If instead of placating the CEOs and others who have taken billions of bailout money and then asked for more that the government made it clear: You get taxpayer money, we tell you how to spend it.
  5. chocoguy

    chocoguy New Member

    In my country, it is just normal. Of course, I live on a third world country. Most of these people came from the province.
  6. Twiceshy

    Twiceshy New Member

    The president has to be able to do more than one thing at a time, just like the rest of us. His late night tv appearance probably did a lot to lift the spirits of some folks.
  7. heretoday

    heretoday New Member

    The president, I think, is wise in that he is talking directly to the people without the filters and agenda of news/opinion shows. I think the placating of the CEOs took place when Bush Jr did nothing to regulate the harm the CEOs (Republicans all, I'd like to add)were doing to the country.
    I do agree with your last sentence, though.
  8. SageMother

    SageMother New Member

    The personal warmth has been missing for too many years. It's nice to have a leader who at least tries to include all citizens when considering the changes needed in our country.
  9. katharina

    katharina New Member

    Personal warmth can go a long way... when action is being done at the same time. Maybe there hasn't really been enough time for him to do much besides the fancy talk yet. I hope that's the case.

    Funny though, everyone on his side will swear he's already done things (but can't seem to name any of them) and everyone on the other side will swear he's done nothing but talk and get people thinking he might be able to do something someday.

    But no use arguing with either side because the blinders and rose colored glasses are abundant.