I agree with that, too. For families who can actually afford to raise that many children is on a different playing field than someone who can't, and chose to go through medical means to produce more children beyond her means despite it.
I heard this morning that they're thinking of selling Octo-Mom's birth tape. Oh, think that's shocking? For SEVEN figures. What kind of screwed up priorities do people have with the economy on the brink like it is?!
And that brings up another good point... if she is begging for money on the internet and doesn't have a job, why would that doctor implant all those eggs for free? What besides publicity could possibly be the reason?
Perhaps I used the wrong word. I meant "poverty with no recourse". I don't think they count educational financial aid when it comes to figuring up AFDC. Of course, you're not supposed to use the grants for anything except education...
This story only gets more bizarre by the day... Did you hear her 911 phone call that's going round the TV news? Apparently she's reporting she was missing one of her kids when she was pregnant with the eight; she sounds desperate, of course, but she keeps saying, "I'm going to kill myself". ???
If the buyer doesn't purchase the tape for seven figures, what socially conscious expenditure would be acceptable in light of the current economy? Do you think someone who would by the tape for seven figures really has to worry about the economy the way the rest of us do?
Someone buying it for that much would surely expect to get a lot more back from it... wouldn't it be beautifully ironic if everyone loses interest after someone bought that?
I heard the same tape, and it doesn't seem like an unusual state of mind for her to be in, seeing as she thought one of her kids was missing. That reaction really should have no bearing on her situation, IMHO
I have a feeling people will lose interest before the purchase is made. Right now it's media feeding frenzy, but even that has slowed some during these last few weeks.
As extreme as this situation is, I sure hope her kids love her. She will be a haggard old woman when she gets done raising them, and will probably need to be supported by them in her old age!
Well, SageMother, if two or three of her octuplets totally hate and disown her, at least she's got a chance with five or six of them for a little support.
The 18 and counting family did not have 14 of them under the age of 7! The older ones helped with the younger ones. The other really big difference is that they are not being supported by our tax money. This woman is on welfare, has 3 kids getting disability and still gets these eggs implanted???? I want to know where the money for that came from.
That's a good question, Twiceshy. I heard on the news that her seventh octuplet came home from the hospital today. I don't know if that's good news or bad news...
If there isn't, there should be. A cap at 3 kids should be enacted, if it hasn't been. After that, the regular tax rates should be applied!
Well she said yesterday that she got the money from an inheritance. Hmmm....More than $30,000 that she inherited.....seems to me that this wouldn't allow her to collect welfare. At least it should!
Yet another magazine has her on the cover. I swear she looks crazier as time goes on. It could have just been a teaser, but the headline said she's considering having more kids. Heaven help us.
She should look crazier with each new baby that comes home! I'd worry f she didn't start looking a little ragged from all of those feedings and diaper changes, while chasing after the older kids!
So the last baby has come home, and she has all eight. Did you hear that she's trying to trademark the name "Octo Mom"?
I think she's grasping at straws trying to figure out how to support all of those kids. I still think the biological father should be tapped for child support.